Procedures and Practices

Procedures and Practices

This page is intended to assist in the planning of events on the University of Oregon campus by compiling essential procedures and practices into a single guide. This page explains current practices, consistent with existing policies, and comprises the procedures called for by the University’s Facilities Scheduling Policy, number IV.07.08. It lends transparency to existing procedures, promotes consistency, and facilitates the proper scheduling of space within the jurisdiction of UO Scheduling and Event Services.

Anyone intending to host an event at the University of Oregon should start at UO Scheduling and Event Services in 236 EMU or at the SES website. SES offers assistance in scheduling meetings, events and conferences, and provides planning support for programs sponsored by campus groups and unaffiliated partners. SES manages event venues that include the following:

  • Erb Memorial Union - EMU (includes tabling, indoor/outdoor spaces)
  • Gerlinger Lounge
  • General pool classrooms
  • Most non-Athletics campus outdoor spaces


The University of Oregon is committed to promoting the safety and welfare of its students, faculty, staff, and guests, while protecting the rights and privileges associated with using the many resources available on the campus of a major American university. These procedures and practices are designed to assist the UO to achieve its educational mission, manage its resources, and provide for the safe and orderly operation of events on its campus.

UO Scheduling and Event Services (SES) is authorized to schedule the non-academic use of facilities owned or operated by the UO. The Director of Scheduling and Event Services (Director), or that person’s designee, has the authority to approve and/or deny requests for use of facilities within the spaces overseen by SES and may impose conditions for the use of event space consistent with these procedures.

The UO embraces diversity. The UO is committed to making its event spaces accessible to persons with disabilities. The UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, perceived gender, marital or family status, pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), and the use of leave protected by state or federal law, in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by federal and state laws and policies.

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Requests for meeting or event space must be made through the Scheduling Office in person at 236 EMU, via phone at 541-346-6000 or online by submitting a Space Request Form. Requests for the use of campus space should be made sufficiently in advance to allow UO officials to make reasonable preparations for their intended use.

Requests for any space for an activity where more than 300 people are expected to attend must be made by contacting the UO Scheduling and Event Services office in person, via telephone, or through their website at least twenty-eight calendar days in advance. Such events may be approved on a shorter time frame if reasonable preparations already exist or it can be addressed through standard practices, such as a memorial vigil where space is already available.

Single event reservations are permitted up to four calendar years in advance of the desired event date. January 1 each year will open scheduling for an additional year. Requests for exemptions from this practice (for example, for conferences) will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the director.

Once an event request has been processed, a confirmation will be sent to the Client. Event space is not secured until SES generates an official event confirmation with a corresponding reservation number. Submitted requests do not constitute a confirmed reservation.


Clients are classified and divided into three distinct user groups, each with different privileges and expectations: Student Organizations, UO Departments and Unaffiliated Users.

Student Organizations

Student Organizations listed below may use space and built-in equipment on campus free of charge, though charges may be applied for extra labor or technology costs associated with events.

ASUO Recognized Student Organizations

ASUO Recognized Student Organizations are groups officially recognized by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) as having met the formal requirements for being a student organization. These organizations are eligible for student fee funding and must keep their OrgSync portals current.

UO Registered Student Organizations

UO Registered Student Organizations are organizations registered by the Center for Student Involvement as having met the formal requirements for being a student organization. These organizations are not eligible for student fee funding and must keep their OrgSync portals current.

UO Department Recognized Student Organizations

UO Department Recognized Student Organizations are organizations sanctioned by a UO college or academic department. Membership is typically comprised of students majoring in, or having an affinity for, a particular academic discipline. These organizations are not eligible for student fee funding and must keep their OrgSync portals current.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recognized Student Organizations

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recognized Student Organizations are typically UO-recognized local chapters of social Greek letter groups. These organizations are not eligible for student fee funding and must keep their OrgSync portals current.

UO Departments

UO Departments are officially recognized administrative or academic units of UO. UO Departments must have a current index code that will be used to charge all event related expenses.

Unaffiliated Users

Unaffiliated Users are any organization or individuals that are not recognized as Student Organizations or UO Departments. They must pay full rental rates for space, service and equipment and must provide a signed Facilities Use Agreement, indemnification and proof of insurance prior to using UO space.

Determining status of Student Organization and/or UO Department event

An event is defined as a Student Organization/UO Department event only if both of the following criteria are met:

  1. An index code is given to pay for any expenses arising from event (Departments only)
  2. UO Department members or Active Members of a Student Organization are the primary planners and/organizers of the event and must attend the event.


If any Student Organization or UO Department event is later determined to have not met one or both of the above guidelines, it may be in violation of the SES procedures. Student Organizations and UO Departments may not reserve space for other organizations for the purpose of securing lower rental rates and/or bypassing procedures. The organization or individual named on the reservation is the Client and is solely responsible for communicating with SES and initiating, planning, implementing, attending and financing the event in coordination with SES.

The event must be requested by the Client who will be responsible for the event.

The Client named on the reservation must be present at all required pre-event and planning meetings leading up to the event.

The Client or representatives from the organization must be on site during the event.

The Client is responsible for paying all rental and support service fees resulting from the event. Space reserved by an organization or individual is solely for the specific use as described on the SES Space Request Form. Clients may not sublet or in any way reserve space on behalf of another group.

SES reserves the right to evaluate and make final determination of all appropriate fees and rates applied to event requests. Violation of SES procedure or any of the conditions outlined above may result in the Client being charged the higher rate structure and may result in temporary or permanent suspension of reservation privileges for the organization for whom the event was originally intended.

Annual Events

Reservations for annual, non-series events may be scheduled by SES up to four years in advance of the event date. Annual Events will be scheduled in accordance with the annual event scheduling priority described below.

Major Campus Events

Major Campus Events constitute a central, university-wide UO program that are essential to the life of the university. Among current Major Campus Events are Orientation/New Student Programs Commencement, Homecoming, and ASUO Street Faire.

Annual Event Scheduling Priority

After providing priority to Major Campus Events, the following classification of annual events will be used in determining scheduling priority based on a first come, first served basis:

  • Student Organizations as identified above.
  • UO Student Fee Funded Departments
  • UO Departments
  • Unaffiliated Users

Meeting Room Reservations

Student Organizations and UO Student Fee Funded Departments

These organizations are permitted two EMU meeting room bookings per week, for a maximum of three hours per meeting free of charge. Additional meeting bookings are available in the general pool Classrooms. Costs for labor or additional resources may be associated with a room booking.

UO Departments

UO Departments will follow the approved fee schedule for all space requests in the EMU, available at UO Departments will use classroom and most other non-EMU spaces without a fee.

Unaffiliated Users

Unaffiliated Users will follow the approved fee schedule for all space requests, available at

Recurring Reservations

Recurring reservations are reservations that occur in a regular pattern (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly). Recurring reservations will be first-come, first-served and booked based on availability. As of August 1, of any year, requests for non-academic spaces will be accepted for the upcoming academic calendar. Requests for classrooms will be available based on when the Registrar’s Office releases the spaces, typically in the middle of the previous academic term.

Outdoor Events

The following restrictions apply to all outdoor events, except for Major Campus Events.

Most non-Athletics outdoor spaces at the UO are scheduled by SES. Exceptions are Living Learning Center Green and Southeast Campus Green which are scheduled by Housing, and Gerlinger Lawn and the Turf Fields which are scheduled by Physical Education and Recreation. Contact SES for outdoor space rental rates.

Overnight camping or storage of materials is not allowed without permission of the Director of SES. All materials associated with the event must be removed immediately following the conclusion of event. For multiple day outdoor events, materials associated with the event must be removed after each day’s activities. The UO is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property.

Requests for outdoor events may be refused, even if the space is available, if it is judged by the Director of SES that the outdoor event would interfere with academic classes or other events inside nearby buildings (e.g., adjacent to and concurrent with class, events with anticipated crowd size in excess of 150 or request for amplified sound).

Hazardous Objects and Conduct

All participants in any event are required to follow the university’s policy on Proscribed Conduct. Consistent with that policy, participants are not allowed to carry or use weapons or dangerous objects, including sticks or sign poles that are larger than 1” x 2” or open flames larger than a standard candle.

UO Sound Policy

  1. Scope. Scheduling and Event Services, which is a department of the EMU, manages event venues and spaces that include:

    1. Erb Memorial Union including tabling and indoor/outdoor spaces,
    2. Gerlinger Lounge,
    3. General pool classrooms when used for non-class instruction events, and
    4. Campus outdoor spaces with the exception of those scheduled by UO Departments of Athletics, University Housing and PE & Recreation.

    Note that quiet and courtesy hours inside the residence halls are outlined in the Resident Life Community Standards and Expectations policy.

    This policy constitutes a procedural policy pursuant to the university-wide Proscribed Conduct policy, which addresses, more broadly, the kind of conduct that is not permitted at the university, on its property. 

  2. For spaces within the scope of this policy:
    1. Classes and other department-sponsored uses take priority over all other uses of facilities.
    2. Sounds resulting from university operations (e.g., construction and maintenance, scheduled university classes, and campus tours) are not governed by this policy.
    3. This policy applies to all sound including amplified sound, sound produced by the use of any device such as speakers, bullhorns, or musical instruments, and vocal sounds.
    4. This policy applies to sounds occurring as part of scheduled or unscheduled events.
  3. Sound restrictions.
    1. Sound levels beyond ambient noise that interfere with or disrupt instruction, research, service, administration, events scheduled through scheduling and events services, or any other University sponsored activities are prohibited as outlined in this section. Ambient noise means the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment (i.e., the background noise in a particular location) and does not include any specific sound or noise that is being focused on.
    2. The following sound limits apply during core academic class time 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, and 10:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m.:
      1. Sound originating from an outdoor source must not exceed 90 decibels for more than 10 cumulative minutes as measured from any outdoor location measured 50 feet from the source.
      2. Sound originating from an outdoor source must not exceed 65 decibels for more than 5 cumulative minutes as measured from any indoor location. An exception to this provision is Johnson Hall where sound must not exceed 83 decibels for more than 10 cumulative minutes as measured from anywhere inside the building.
      3. In the EMU Amphitheater, sound must not exceed 83 decibels at a point 5 feet above the seating area located 40 feet from the stage edge. Within the amphitheater use of any device to amplify sound must be regulated by UO Event Services staff to ensure that the maximum acceptable limit is not exceeded. This may entail an hourly charge.
      4. Sound that exceeds ambient noise levels in any adjacent space must not originate from inside any UO building for any duration.
      5. When more than one sound limit listed in this provision apply, the more restrictive sound requirement governs.
  4. Mitigation and Resolution
    1. If an event is reserved through the scheduling and event services, the sponsoring group must provide a designated representative or event liaison for the duration of any event to communicate information to and from performers, support personnel, technicians, and university or city officials that respond to noise complaints.
    2. If, during an event sound levels are measured to have exceeded the limits relevant to this policy, an EMU, UO Scheduling and Events official, or other authorized official will take reasonable steps to direct the sponsoring group to reduce the sound to an acceptable level. If the authorized official is unable to identify or communicate with the sponsoring group, the sound level will be deemed not corrected. Should the sound level not be corrected, the event may be shut down by the university official and/or referred to the appropriate authority for resolution.
    3. Resolution. If the authorized official determines that an employee, contractor, volunteer, student, guest, or member of the public has engaged in action that may be in violation of this policy, the matter will be referred to the appropriate university authority:
      1. Employees will be subject to corrective action pursuant to applicable UO policies and collective bargaining agreements.
      2. Students will be subject to the student conduct code and any applicable outcomes.
      3. Community members (including but not limited to guests, volunteers, and other members of the public) who violate this policy may be trespassed from campus and may otherwise lose their ability to use university property and/or to participate in university-sponsored programs and activities.
      4. All individuals are subject to the consequences resulting from the violation of any federal, state, and local laws, which may include civil or criminal liability.

Signs and Chalking

Posting of signs and fliers inside buildings is under the control and direction of the dean or director who controls the space in question. Material may be restricted with respect to content (e.g. can be limited to university-related functions, for example) but may not be restricted based on viewpoint. For the EMU, the Director or the Director’s designee will approve any postings.

Posting of signs in any non-athletic exterior space must be authorized by the Director or the Director’s designee, with the exception of the public bulletin board/kiosks at the corner of University and 13th Avenues, which area is available for postings by any member of the community.

Chalking is allowed only with removable chalk on exterior horizontal surfaces that are exposed to the rain and not within 30 feet of any campus building. Chalking that does not relate to student activities sponsored by Student Organizations is subject to immediate removal.


Outdoor tabling and vending

Tabling/vending is available Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm, and requires a reservation, confirmation and payment when applicable. Tablers/vendors are subject to all university and department policies and procedures.

There are 21 tabling spaces available:  (3) interior locations, (6) locations at the corner of University and East 13th Avenue, and (12) located on the Fishbowl Terrace. Many spaces are not covered and many that are open to the weather are permitted to have a canopy. Contact Scheduling if you’d like to discuss availability, locations or receive a map of tabling spaces designated by number. 


Requesting reservations for tabling/vending during the academic calendar may be requested as of August 1 as follows:

Recognized UO student organizations and UO departments may reserve one term at a time at no cost, and are limited to 3-days per week. Reservations for an upcoming term may be made two weeks out (Week 10) from the start of that term. Requests are processed in order of received. Tabling that is a required component of a reserved event is not subject to these guidelines and can be included as a need when you submit a request for your event or any time after.  

Non-UO organizations and community members may reserve two weeks at a time, and are limited to 2-days per week. Reservations for the following two weeks can be made as of the Monday of your last reserved week (example: You’ve reserved a space for Monday 4/7 through Friday 4/18; as of Monday 4/14 you may request an additional two weeks beginning on Monday 4/21.) Requests are processed in order of received. Vendors selling products of any type are only permitted to reserve space in the Upper Amphitheater area.  (This only applies to vendors selling product. All other Non-UO organizations and community members can book out for the entire term and can do up to 3 days per week.)


Recognized UO student organizations and UO departments do not pay for tabling space; however, if a canopy, Ticket Office cashier or any labor-related needs are requested or required a fee may be incurred. Call the Scheduling office if you need a quote.

Non-UO organizations and community members incur a fee to table/vend, typically within the range of $20-330 per day, determined by the activity (ex: information only, sales of products, solicitation, etc.) Call the Scheduling office if you need a quote. Fees for all reserved dates must be paid in advance and no later than forty-eight hours out from your first reserved date. Lack of payment is considered a No Show and will result in the cancellation of the reservation. Repeated No Shows, whether due to lack of payment or failure to show on your reserved day, may result in temporary suspension or termination of tabling/vending booking privileges. Cancellations received forty-eight hours in advance of the date being cancelled will be refunded, typically within a week’s time. We do not carry credits or roll payments to future or new reservations.

Policies and Amenities

All tabling/vending bookings are 10’x10’ areas and will be provided one 6’x2.5’ table with two chairs, delivered prior to the start of the reservation. One additional chair may be requested at no cost. Two adjoining spaces may be requested, for a “large” area, and will incur an additional fee. All tabling items, fixtures, trash, etc. must be removed from the tabling area by 5pm. Failure to remove all items are subject to a fee for custodial services.

Scheduling and Event Services can provide a 10’x10’ canopy rental for a fee and with advance notice, subject to availability. Requests for tents that are not made in advance are subject to available canopies and labor, and will not be considered without a minimum of a two day notice.  

Tabling/vending Clients are permitted to supply their own canopy. All canopies brought to campus have a size limit of 10’x10’ and each canopy leg is required to be weighted and secured in accordance with the Eugene Springfield Fire Marshal regulations regarding adequate ballast to secure canopies in case of wind.

All tabling/vending is subject to the following policies and practices:

  • Outdoor tabling and vending are subject to the same restrictions which govern all outdoor events.
  • All items brought must fit and remain within the 10’x10’ reserved space.
  • Tablers/vendors must be present at the table during all hours reserved. If the individual at the table is not the Client on the reservation, the Client must provide Scheduling with the name and contact information for that person. Those found not staffing their tables may result in a forfeit of reservation privileges.
  • Sales or other distribution of unpackaged foods and/or beverages is not allowed. Contact Scheduling for guidance on what food or beverage products can or cannot be offered or sold.
  • Tabling requests or activities that violate existing UO retail services contracts (i.e. selling prepared foods, book sales, UO branded items, etc.) will not be permitted.
  • Chalking is not permitted at or near tables.
  • Amplified sound of any type is not allowed at or near tables
Indoor Tables

Indoor tabling is limited to the EMU. There are five table locations available in the EMU, marked as follows:

Tables 1-2 are available in the historic lobby. Table 1 is provided a 6’x2.5’ rectangular table and two chairs. Table 3 is a 2’x2’ square counter-height table designed specifically for information display only and is not to be staffed.

Tables 3 andare designated to the north entrance on Ground Floor, immediately east of the Ticket Office.

All table users must set up within their assigned space. Indoor table users are limited to the exclusive use of one 6’ x 2.5’ rectangular table only. Augmenting the space with additional shelving or other retail/merchandising accessories that may affect egress and accessibility is subject to approval from SES.

Events in Classroom Spaces

Classroom Space is defined as the general pool classrooms as approved by the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office has priority in booking all classroom spaces. SES may only book classroom spaces for events based on the availability of space provided by the Registrar. SES may reserve classroom spaces for events only after the Registrar’s Office has released the class schedule for the following term, usually the fifth week of the term.

Classroom spaces are booked as-is. The furniture configuration may not be changed and the room must be left as it was found. All additional equipment or belongings brought into the event space must be removed from the space immediately following the event. Trash must be disposed of in waste receptacles. If items are left in the room, or if furniture is in disarray following the event, additional labor charges may be applied.

Any special audio, video or technical needs for classroom reservations need to be made with SES at least ten days prior to the event.

Venues for Classroom Spaces

The academic buildings which contain general pool classrooms reservable through SES are as follows:

  • Allen
  • Anstett
  • Cascade
  • Chapman
  • Chiles
  • Clinical Services
  • Columbia
  • Condon
  • Deady
  • Lokey
  • Esslinger
  • Fenton
  • Friendly
  • Gerlinger
  • Hedco
  • Lawrence
  • Lillis
  • McKenzie
  • Pacific
  • Peterson
  • Prince Lucien Campbell (PLC)
  • Straub
  • Villard
  • Volcanology
  • Willamette
Classroom Space Rental Fees

Student Organizations and UO Departments are not charged for rental of academic space reserved through SES, except when they are charging admission into the venue (ticket sales, registration, etc.) Current rates for Unaffiliated Users (external users) are available at

Unforeseen Closures

In the event of the unforeseen closure of the university for inclement weather, security emergencies or other reasons, the university reserves the right to cancel events scheduled during such period. In the event of an unforeseen closure, the Client will have the option to either reschedule the event to a later date, or cancel the event without penalty for a full refund of space rental. All other costs associated with the event, including UO support services (SES, UOPD, Parking and Transportation, UO Catering, etc.) and third-party external vendor rentals are the sole responsibility of the Client.

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Event Planning

Academic Classes and Related Events

Academic classes where attendance is required for academic credit may not use space in the EMU, and must be booked in classroom or other spaces. An academic class is defined as any class that has been issued a UO Course Reference Number (CRN).

Campaign Events

Events involving the promotion of, or opposition to, a political candidate or a ballot measure (once either has qualified for the ballot) are subject to the same SES procedures as other events, but in accordance with state law, the organization must be billed the full Unaffiliated User rate for use of the space and equipment, even if the event is being requested by a UO Department or Student Organization.

Food Service

In accordance with UO’s Food Service Agreement, UO Catering (541-346-4303, is granted the exclusive right to operate and provide daily and catered food services to all non-Athletics spaces on campus. Any events within these premises seeking an exception to UO Catering exclusivity rights must complete a catering waiver (see below) at least 15 business days prior to their event.

Catering Waivers

Catering waivers may be considered for approval if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • The food or beverage that is being provided is a 100% in-kind donation from the caterer, restaurant, and/or purveyor. Applicant is required to provide documentation from the donor prior to the event.
  • Food is relevant to the cultural and/or religious nature of the event and/or the ethnic/religious food traditions of the organization/s, (e.g., the Korean Student Association, serving Korean food at their culture night event).
  • UO Catering is not able to meet the food preparation requirements (e.g. Halal, Kosher, etc.).
  • UO Catering’s volume of business prevents it from taking on additional work.

To be considered for approval your request must meet the following criteria:

  • The request is submitted a minimum of fifteen business days prior to the event date.
  • You can provide documentation as requested in this form of the food provider's insurance and catering license.

The only on-campus events not required to either use UO Catering or complete the catering waiver process are defined as follows:

  • Potlucks: Private meetings, exclusive to the organization, booked in conference rooms (as defined by SES Facility Use Procedures, twenty people or less) where the attendees bring food to share with the other meeting attendees.
  • Sack lunch meetings: Meetings where attendees bring food exclusively for their own use.
  • Food purchased from EMU Vendors: For events in the EMU, sponsors may purchase food from the food venues in the EMU, even with university index, with no need for a catering waiver.

All other events intending to not use UO Catering for their food service must complete the food waiver form and receive an approved waiver.

Alcohol Service

All alcohol service must be approved by the UO in the form of a completed and signed Request for Permission to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form. All requests for approval must be submitted to the Office of Risk Management no less than two weeks prior to the event.

To be approved, all alcohol service must adhere to the minimum standard for alcohol service, as described on the Request for Permission to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form.

Film, Photography, and Videography

Whether to permit photography and/or visual and/or audio recording in any UO event space is at the discretion of the Client, who may determine whether to permit recording at the event. SES encourages Clients who want to restrict recording at their event to post notice of this restriction outside of the event space where the notice can be clearly observed upon entrance as well as inside the event space and, where appropriate, to announce restrictions at the beginning of any event. A person who refuses to stop recording after being asked to stop by the Client/event organizer may be asked to leave the event space.

All requests for commercial photography and video on campus must be approved by University Communications and requests typically require a written agreement with the University prior to engaging in these activities.

Commercial Film, Video, and Photography Activities: production#URL

Contact info:

Live Music and Indoor Sound

Live music (whether acoustic or amplified), recorded music and/or any amplified sound will be considered on a case-by-case basis. SES reserves the right to determine appropriate equipment and sound level for various spaces. Events are required to reduce sound level if directed to do so by SES personnel. Sound levels of events scheduled indoors may be restricted at any time if a potential conflict exists with a previously-scheduled event, classes, or other academic uses of UO facilities. (borrowed partially from the UO Amphitheater Sound Policy)

Permanent Fixtures

All non-portable furniture, built-in AV, and artwork are permanent fixtures of the meeting rooms in which they reside and may not be moved, removed, obscured or taken down for any event.

EMU Ballroom and Redwood Auditorium Lighting

The EMU Ballroom and Redwood Auditorium stage and house lighting is designed to provide several preset options to provide utility for as many events as possible. Clients may only have access to in-the-house control of the lights. Control of all lighting other than in-the-house systems is the unique responsibility of SES. Any unauthorized adjustments to the lighting in the defined spaces is expressly prohibited. If additional lighting is needed to supplement the lighting provided, it must be arranged separately by the Client with SES and must be contracted and/or managed by SES staff.

Ticketing Procedure

All ticketed events in the EMU sponsored by a UO Department or Student Organization are required to use the UO Ticket Office for all ticket sales and distribution. Unaffiliated Users are required to use the UO Ticket Office unless granted an exception from this procedure by both SES and EMU Retail Services.

Event Set-up and Decoration

Clients may arrange access to decorate and otherwise prepare for the event at the time determined as the Pre-Event Time on the event’s reservation. EMU property (i.e. ladders, carts, etc.) may not be used unless previous arrangements have been made with SES. SES may consider advance requests of materials to be placed on walls, floors and other building surfaces. Hand-out materials may not be left on public furniture, taped to doors or walls, or left in public spaces outside the event space or venue. Unless specifically approved in advance, the following items are prohibited in spaces scheduled by SES:

  • Helium balloons (EMU, Lillis, Ford Alumni Center, Lewis Integrative Science Building, Willamette Hall, Matthew Knight Arena and the Jaqua Center only)
  • Candles (or open flames or any flame producing devices) for events in any UO building, excepting approved wick-fuel/gel pan heating devices (Sterno fuel) for use by catering services. Battery operated lights are allowed.
  • Glitter or confetti
  • Straw, grass, or hay
  • Pools, tubs, aquariums, or other water containers holding more than 5 gallons of water Fog/smoke machines may be used in the EMU Ballroom only with advance approval.

All decorations must be approved by SES prior to the event and removed and properly disposed of by the end of the event end time on the Event’s Confirmation. 

Event-Related Machinery

Appliances and machines which affect air quality, visibility and/or pose a damage risk to floors and walls (i.e. pyrotechnics, gas or propane powered engines) are not allowed in EMU or any event spaces scheduled by SES.

Computer Network Access

Access to the university’s network is available throughout the EMU and most of campus via wireless coverage (Wi-Fi), although signal strength may vary by location. Arrangements can be made for wired Ethernet connections in most meeting rooms.

Specific instructions for connecting to UO’s network can be found at

Users are responsible for having the appropriate operating systems and software installed on machines to permit connection to the UO network. Computers lacking current patches or containing viruses/malware may cause automatic shutdown of ports, termination of wireless access, and other punitive consequences for the user.

Additional Furniture and Equipment

If additional furniture or equipment is needed for an event, the Client must arrange to have it provided by SES prior to the event at the Client’s expense.

If additional furniture is needed for a large outdoor event, SES can assist the Client in contacting Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) for assistance. 

If additional furniture or equipment is needed that CPFM cannot provide, the delivery, set-up and removal of additional furniture and equipment must be coordinated with an outside provider to occur within the time during which the organization has the space reserved. Client must notify SES with specific details if external vendors are required for an event. SES reserves the right to determine whether an outside provider is acceptable. 

Extended Building Hours Requests

Requests for extended building hours in the EMU will be approved on a case by case basis by SES depending on the ability of building operations to accommodate the request. Requests for extended building hours must be received 14 calendar days prior to the event date for consideration.

Extended building hours are not available in academic spaces. All events approved for extended building hours will be assessed additional fees.

Planning Meetings

Planning meetings may be required for any event as determined by the Client or by SES. A planning meeting must be held no later than 21 calendar days prior to the event and may also double as, or identify the need for, a security meeting. Additional planning meetings may be held prior to, or after, the 21-day mark as deemed necessary by the Client or SES. If a Client does not attend a required planning meeting, SES reserves the right to cancel, or withhold support from, the event.

Event Security and Safety

SES may require a security and safety meeting or risk assessment for any event identified by SES as a high-risk or unique event (such as events, other than Major Campus Events, in which attendees are expected to exceed 250 people, where there is likelihood of violence or civil unrest, where the complexity of the event requires the involvement of multiple campus administrative partners, or for unique events that require additional risk assessment and action to protect the health and safety of the campus community). Security and safety meetings are held, or a risk assessment is conducted, to determine whether the nature and scope of an event is likely to require the presence of UO Police Department (UOPD), the presence of UO Fire Marshal, or other public safety measures and/or plans.

Security meetings will typically involve the event organizer, someone from SES and representatives from UOPD and Safety and Risk Services.

SES staff review details of events as they are requested and scheduled. High risk and unique events are then flagged and an email may be sent to the following campus partners for feedback:

  • UO Police
  • Risk Management
  • UO Fire Marshal’s Office
  • Emergency Management
  • Student Life
  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management
  • Government Relations
  • Parking and Transportation
  • Others depending on the nature of the event.

Campus partners provide feedback on potential risks and mitigation controls and SES staff works with the event planners to design elements of the event to minimize risk. The Fire Marshal’s Office typically will advise on egress, occupancy, tent requirements, and fire lane maintenance. This may include recommending additional staffing (e.g. UO Fire Marshal, UOPD, UOPD Security officers, contracted security, etc.). As a last resort, if SES and relevant partners determine the University cannot appropriately manage the event to prevent serious threats to campus health and safety, the University reserves the right to deny space on this basis.

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All payments by UO Departments and Student Organizations are subject to UO Finance and Administration spending guidelines. Student Organizations do not pay for space on campus, but do pay for any labor or technology provided beyond what is included with the space. UO Department and Unaffiliated User rates are available at

Security and Labor Fees

The Client is responsible for all fees associated with holding an event on the UO campus.

Labor fees are charged when an event requires labor beyond the normal set up and tear down of the event. Reasons labor fees may be applied to your event include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Extra cleaning is needed (e.g. the removal of trash left on furniture or floors, spraying clean the walls or furniture, shampooing carpets or if extra floor care is required).
  • A change in furniture configuration is requested within two business days of the start of the event.
  • Extra personnel, security, equipment or resources are necessary to accommodate your event.

Reservation Deadlines, Policy

The below deadlines and policies are based on a Monday–Sunday week.

New Reservations*
  • New reservation requests must be received no later than the Monday two weeks prior to the first date being requested.
  • Reservations for recurring needs (monthly, bi-monthly, etc.) can be requested as of August 1 of any given year and can be requested for the full academic year.
  • Reservations for one-off or annual meetings/events can be requested for up to four calendar years out.
Existing Reservation Revisions*

Revisions to existing reservations must be requested no later than the Monday two weeks before the first reserved date. 

*Requests received after the above deadlines are considered on a case-by-case basis and may incur additional fees. Contact our office for more information.

Cancellation Deadlines, Policy

The below cancellations and policies are based on a Monday–Sunday week.

Cancellations must be made by the contact noted on the reservation confirmation or their designee. If you’re working with an Event Coordinator(s), email them directly and follow up with a phone call. If you’re not sure who to contact, email and call 541-346-6000. Note: Reservation deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • 50% of fees due: Cancellation is received no later than Monday–Sunday two weeks ahead of the week of your reserved date.
  • 100% of fees due: Cancellation is received Monday–Sunday one week ahead, or the week of, your reserved date.
Backup Space/Alternate Reservations

Space, labor and/or resources allocated to a backup space or alternate reservation plan are also subject to the revision and cancellation policies.

No Shows

A No Show is considered the same as a day-of cancellation and is subject to the cancellation policy. 


Revisions or cancellations due to weather conditions are subject to the revisions and cancellation policies. Inclement weather events defined as hazardous by the University of Oregon are considered Force Majeure cancellations. 

Force Majeure

Cancellation fees may be waived in the case of Force Majeure, per the discretion of the director of Scheduling and Event Services or designee.

Billing/Invoice Protocol

Parties that use space in the EMU and/or other buildings on campus scheduled through SES are responsible for complying with the terms of their confirmation as it stands on the day of the event. Any changes which affect billing must be made with the required advance notice or additional charges may apply.

Student Organization Payments

All charges to student organizations will be paid using a purchase order from ASUO unless other arrangements have been approved in advance by ASUO and SES.

UO Departments Payments

All charges to UO Departments for events will be billed to the index code of the reserving party. An index must be provided before a request will be confirmed. If funds are not available to cover costs associated with the event, groups may not be allowed to reserve space again until final balance is paid.

Unaffiliated User Payments

Per the terms of agreement in the event request documentation, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is due upon execution of contract for Unaffiliated Users. Final balance will be due 7 calendar days prior to the date of the event unless arranged and approved in advance by SES. If applicable, for example, if additional fees are imposed for labor or costs for late changes, and if funds provided are not available to cover final costs associated with the event, Unaffiliated Users may not be allowed to reserve space again until final balance is paid.

Disputed charges

After being billed, either via index code or invoice, Clients have up to 30 calendar days to dispute any charges associated with their reservation, after which all charges become final. All disputes of charges must be made in writing to SES. If invoices should remain unpaid 30 calendar days after the initial billing, the organization in arrears will be unable to reserve space through SES until the outstanding balance is paid.

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Event Insurance


The University of Oregon requires $1M in Commercial General Liability with $2M aggregate, $1M liquor liability coverage (if serving alcohol), workers comp coverage to meet the Oregon statutory requirements (if event is sponsored by a 3rd party) and $1M commercial automobile liability coverage (if vehicle usage pertains). Depending on the event, $1M Pollution Liability coverage might be required for an event. Clients must provide a certificate of insurance listing the UO as an additional insured with the following language in the Description and Operations section of the Certificate of Insurance “State of Oregon, Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon, and the University of Oregon, their officers and employees included as additional insured.”

For groups hosting events that do not have insurance, they can purchase a “Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy” (TULIP).

There is a contract review process for situations where the event organizer does not have insurance and cannot for some reason purchase a TULIP. This is a very rare situation.

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Additional Information


Banners may be displayed by Student Organization and UO Departments. General banner locations include the space over 13th Avenue at University Street and the exterior railings at the EMU Gumwood Terrace and Fishbowl Terrace.

Banners are scheduled for up to one week at a time.

ASUO Student Groups

Student groups may schedule each banner space once per term. This represents 7 banner reservation opportunities per term.

(Fishbowl side 1 and 2; Gumwood space 1, 2, and 3; and 13th Ave East side and West side)

EMU Programs and Campus Departments

UO Departments may schedule one banner space per area, once per term. This represents 3 banner reservation opportunities per term.

(Fishbowl side 1 and 2; Gumwood space 1, 2, and 3; and 13th Ave East side or West side)

Banners should be used to advertise and promote campus activities. Banners may not be used to publicize ballot measures, or candidates for office.

13th Avenue banner, East/Side 1 (faces EMU) or West/Side 2 (faces Johnson Hall): Each side is reserved separately, allowing two groups to use this area simultaneously. 13th Avenue banners cannot be larger than 60 square feet. Banners must be delivered to CPFM for installation and removal (346-2319), no later than 5 business days prior to the first day of the reservation. Fees will be incurred. 13th Ave Banner reservations must run Monday through Sunday to meet the Facilities schedule for hanging.

Banners should be tied to the railing using rope, zip ties, etc. Tape is not permitted.

Loading Zones

  • Service vehicles are defined as University-owned service trucks or cars, vehicles with commercial permits, or vehicles with temporary service vehicle permits whose drivers are performing a service for the University of Oregon.
  • Spaces marked as reserved for service vehicles may be used only by service vehicles authorized by the Department of Parking and Transportation.
  • Delivery vehicles are defined as vehicles owned by companies doing pick-up and delivery business with University departments or vehicles with temporary special delivery permits on pick-up and delivery business.
  • Loading zones are located throughout the campus and are reserved for people loading and unloading heavy or bulky items.
  • Metered and signed loading zones may be used for no longer than twenty-four minutes.
  • Loading zones are enforced at all times unless otherwise posted.
  • Loading docks are reserved for delivery vehicles including private vehicles making deliveries, but may be used for no longer than twenty-four minutes.
  • Non-university vehicles parking anywhere on campus for delivery or to perform building or grounds maintenance work must obtain a contractor’s parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services (1401 Walnut St.,, 541-346-5444)

All vehicles, which are found in violation of the criteria outlined above, are subject to citation.


UO policy prohibits the possession of firearms on university-owned or –controlled property by students; employees; contractors and vendors (and their employees and agents); any person attending a ticketed event; and any person leasing, renting or reserving university-owned or –controlled property. This prohibition applies to all individuals, including those with a concealed handgun license.

The policy also prohibits the possession of firearms by all persons, including those with a concealed handgun license, in any building or work place owned or controlled by the University, including but not limited to academic buildings, the Erb Memorial Union, and athletics and performing arts venues.

There are a few exceptions to the firearms ban, including possession by on-duty law enforcement officers, possession by campus police for training purposes, and military program participants, including ROTC.

Possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on institutionally owned or controlled property, unless expressly authorized by law, Board, or institutional rules (for purposes of this section, absence of criminal penalties shall not be considered express authorization) is prohibited.

Donation Barrels

Donation barrels are only allowed in the EMU if arranged through SES by a sponsoring Student Organization or UO Department. All donation bins need to be durable and large enough to hold a large quantity of donations (i.e. a 50-gallon drum or barrel). All donation bins need to be clearly marked for the type of donations being collected (i.e. canned food, clothing), and must have contact information and final collection date posted on bin. Neither the UO nor the EMU are responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged goods.

Lost and Found Procedure

The UO is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal property left on the campus. The UO bears no responsibility for items left behind by guests. Lost items of value, as defined by UOPD, will be forwarded to UOPD.

All lost items not taken to UOPD are donated or disposed of after one week.

Animals on Campus

Animals are not permitted in UO buildings with the following exceptions:

  1. Service animals as defined by state law and the Americans with Disabilities Act or assistance animals as defined by state law and the Fair Housing Act, as required by law.
  2. Working dogs associated with UOPD or any other local, state or federal first responder or emergency agency.
  3. Research animals as approved and overseen by appropriate academic departments
  4. Animals associated as part of a confirmed event with special approval as per the UO Animal Control Policy.

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Any Client that seeks to challenge the application of these Procedures and Practices may appeal in writing within ten calendar days of the decision to the President’s designee. The appeal should specify the Procedure or Practice challenged, and the requested resolution. The submission of an appeal does not change the application of these Procedures and Practices until the appeal is decided.

  • If the President’s designee decides that an SES decision should be modified in whole or in part, the President’s designee will inform SES and the Client, in writing, within ten days of receiving the appeal.
  • If the President’s designee does not respond to the appeal in writing within ten calendar days of receiving the appeal, the appeal is deemed denied.
  • If the appeal is denied, the event may proceed as scheduled, in accordance with these Procedures and Practices. However, the timing of the appeal may mean that the appeal will not be decided until after the date of the event. The Client may include, in the appeal, a request to cancel the reservation, and reschedule the event until after the appeal has been denied or decided. A request to cancel the reservation may be subject to cancellation fees if received less than forty-eight hours prior to the listed Pre-Event Time.

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